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“Our daughter has brain cancer. DIPG to be exact. We were told right from the start that she would die from this cancer, probably within the first year after diagnosis. We have been blessed to have over 3 1/2 years with her since that day, but now our time with her is coming to an end. Slowly (and occasionally not so slowly) she is losing the ability to control her body. The left side of her body is becoming paralyzed, her speech is slowing down, she can't remember what she did a few minutes ago, and she constantly sees double. We know that things will continue to progress... swallowing, breathing, and the beating of her heart. We are so grateful for every moment we get to spend with her. For every time she tells us she loves us. For every cuddle and kiss. We are blessed that her illness has brought her five year old brother's caring nature to the surface. We are beyond devastated. We are heartbroken. We hope that one day, childhood cancers gain the same recognition and funding that other adult cancers do. Our children deserve to be the highest priority.”

Myah passed away on February 19th, 2015.

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Charity Registration Number

774077473 RR 0001

© 2025 Meagan Bebenek Foundation

201-3273 Bloor St W, 

Etobicoke, ON M8X 1E2

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